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Church Chairs Canada, a division of Church Furniture Canada provides mainly quality, durable, comfortable chairs at discounted prices. We also provide other church furniture especially lecterns, speaker lecterns, podiums, pulpits and other quality church products.
Church Chairs Canada and Church Furniture Canada are owned by Charles G Pedley BA MSEd MUI located in Fonthill, Ontario L0S 1E2.
We have been providing products to churches since 1987. We started because we saw that churches were often being sold products at commercial prices, because there was no available knowledge of companies which specialized in church products.
This often led to being oversold, since the experts were commercial experts and knew the commercial business well, but NOT the church business.
By appointment only you may view our demo chairs here in Fonthill, ON to help you decide what you need. We can also send you fabric samples as desired.
INITIAL CONTACTS should be made by quotation page so we can see what you are interested in, who you are, and how you would like us to help you.
Phone 905-228-2161 or toll-free 1-877-469-3017
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Our main supplier is known as Blue Ridge Church Furniture and has been selling church chairs in 27 countries around the world for 26 years from their location in Rocky Mount, Virginia!
More Information about BRCF
(Now also known by “Church Furniture Store”)
Church Furniture Store offers quality furniture at the best prices in the nation using a combination of old fashioned handcrafting and modern woodworking equipment to provide churches with quality, cost-efficient products. Since its beginning in 1991, Church Furniture Store has served over 20,000 congregations across the USA and in 25 foreign countries. (Now 27!)
Located at 685 Tripple Creek Road in Rocky Mount, Virginia, Church Furniture Store continues to grow as a small business and has become a global leader in the industry. We carry a vast array of items including pews, church chairs, pulpits, communion tables, carpeting, stained glass, altar ware, baptistries, baptistry heaters, and other worship necessities. Our goal is to provide churches with the best customer service in the industry.
About Charles
Charles was a teacher for about 35 years, owned a computer business for 15 years, a church multimedia business for about 16 years.
Recently he wrote a book called Joyful Mourning which can be found on Amazon in print and in Kindle format. It is a story of victory in the midst of trial. But it is an entirely true story about his youngest daughter, Rebecca.
Charles and his wife Ellen have attended Faith Tabernacle in Welland since 1980. During his teaching career he was a youth leader for many years, was invited to speak at retreats and conferences and always loved to answer questions that young people of any age had about God.
Charles was on the board of two different churches for many years. Being familiar with the church, Charles was alarmed to see churches being sold products that were way too expensive for their needs and wanted to help prevent that. That is why he started the churchmedia business called, and other names. During this time he sold Powerchurch Plus church management software, Easyworship song projection software and several other brands.
Churches did not realize that they could obtain charity licenses of various products like Microsoft Office at a much lower cost. So Charles focused on that for several years and sold various software from North America to Europe, Africa and Israel and even the Roman Catholic parish on the U.S. Military Base in Seoul, Korea! 🙂
Due to a confusion in the domain names,
, the former owner of
Blue Ridge Church Furniture (BRCF) in Virginia
, Scott Gabrielson bought his domain and offered Charles a dealership to sell church furniture in Canada as they had no other dealers here. After some prayer and discussion, Charles decided to start a church furniture business just about the same time that a former churchmedia client needed some new chairs for their church.
That was his first sale and many more have followed, from the Anglican diocese of Saltspring Island, BC, to Newfoundland & Labrador, from Ontario and Quebec to Norman Wells, Northwest Territories, to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick , you could find church chairs sold by our company.
In approximately the year 2015, Charles realized that his profit was high enough to have the company sponsor a Compassion child in Nicaragua.
Thank you to all of the numerous churches of many denominations who purchased from us and helped us in our sponsorships! We are truly grateful.
Our mission has been to help churches save money in order to spend their funds on the mission of the Church.
We would never knowingly sell poor or questionable quality products. We may be slow at times because we are a small company, but when we get to you we spend our time helping you get what you need in order to fulfill the commission of the church.
That is our highest goal.
Thank you!
We would happily send you a digital ebook copy of Joyful Mourning for the asking. If you like hearing stories about overcoming hardships, this book may bring you to tears. But in the end “happy tears” as God turned Rebecca’s “mourning into dancing”.
Click here to request a FREE copy of the ebook
in whatever format you wish. |
We will also send a real paperback copy of the book if you simply pay the shipping . You will have to give us your shipping address so we can calculate the cost. It will be less than $10 in almost all areas except the remote ones.