Please realize that all price quotations for BRC F (Blue Ridge Church Furniture) are dependent on the Canada – U.S. dollar being equal. Adjustments may need to be made if Canadian dollar advances higher or lower than the U.S. dollar. For very small amounts, we consider both currencies equal.
CFC Summit Chairs are Quoted in Canadian Dollars (CAD)


so we can have all the information we need for your quote.


  • P revents hard-to-hear or incorrect phone numbers! (I am very sorry but I had two callers whose phone numbers I could not hear.)
  • Allows us to start working on your quote ASAP!
  • Prevents errors in speaking or listening to messages!
  • If we phone you and can not get you at a convenient time
    then much time is lost before we even know exactly what
    you want and where it needs to be shipped.
  • All prices are dependent on ship-to locations!
    Chair prices are well below $40 each but may rise
    for locations further from our source.
    See CONTACT US! on main page.

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