Our mission since 1987 has been to provide churches and ministries with
quality multimedia and now furniture products at the lowest cost possible.
We are a home business that makes every effort to help every church, large or small to get the most appropriate products for them, NOT for our bottom line!
We have sold products as far away as the
Roman Catholic parish on the U.S. military base in Seoul, Korea
, not to mention
Sweden, U.K., Israel, South Africa
, as well of course as all across
North America.
Before I got this website up, one of my former church customers, contacted me by searching for my name and sending me an email to ask about a product they needed. I mentioned that we were also looking into church chairs and furniture and received a request for a quote for 100 chairs.
Those chairs were delivered by the driver and myself in November, 2012!
We also send a portion of our profit to missions and ministries such as the Mully Children’s Family in Kenya. Charles Mully was a businessman who gave it all up to help the hundreds of children on the street without parents.
Some of our church members have gone to help them build necessary buildings. Here is a list of some accomplishments of the Charles Mully Family.
We have contributed to Mission of Mercy in India sponsoring a child.
Accomplishments in 2013 of Mission of Mercy Canada
- Over 1000 BioSand Filters were deployed providing 5000 people with access to clean water
- 1249 children were immunized in our Mercy Centers removing the threat of preventable diseases
- 1873 students attending Mission of Mercy schools were fed nutritious meals
- 5 new farms were started at our Mercy Centers in rural India. The income generated from these projects is being used to help support unsponsored children in our schools
- 2 Mission of Mercy Schools opened a Computer Training Center for sustainability
- 56 victims of human trafficking were rescued from a brothel. Eighteen were minors.
- 4 Mercy Chapels were built in previously unreached areas
- HILT Bible College opened its doors after 40 years of intercessory prayers by local pastors. The next generation of pastors has begun training to further God’s Kingdom in unreached areas.
- Supported local pastors ministering in unreached people groups living in very dark areas
- Stage one of a new Vocational Center was completed at the Calcutta Mercy Center
- Supported the operations of homes for orphaned children and for those rescued from sexual exploitation